Concrete Cleaning

Downriver & Taylor MI's Concrete Cleaning, Restoration and Refinishing Experts  

Man cleaning concrete floor with handheld floor scrubberWhether for your warehouse, loading areas or rooms with heavy machinery, concrete provides a surface that is both solid and easy to clean.

It is little wonder then, that so many businesses choose to invest in concrete floors for their facilities. But just because concrete is generally easy to clean, doesn’t mean you will never have trouble keeping it in good condition. As a concrete floor cleaning company based in Taylor, Michigan, Corporate Maintenance Janitorial offers concrete coating, refinishing and other concrete maintenance services throughout Downriver and the entire Metro Detroit region. No matter where you’re located or what kind of issues you’re dealing with, we can keep your concrete floors clean, solid and beautiful.

Protecting Your Floors with Taylor's Recommended Concrete Coating Services

Concrete is a hard and strong material, but that doesn’t mean it’s impervious to scuffs and scratches. Only by regularly coating it with urethane, epoxy or other protective materials can you avoid damaging or discoloring the floor. Corporate Maintenance Janitorial carries the most effective coating materials for your concrete floors. We apply them comprehensively to every inch of the surface, making sure there are no gaps that leave it vulnerable.

Concrete Refinishing & Polishing for a Stunning, Spotless Appearance

Even if the protective coating remains in good condition, your concrete will gradually lose the sheen it had when it was installed. This happens because the finish that was originally placed on it wore off, taking away its ability to pick up and reflect light. The Corporate Maintenance Janitorial team is happy to reapply the finish, as well as to polish up the floor and restore its full sheen. Combined with cleaning all dirt, grime and moisture, this will leave your concrete looking just as beautiful as when you first bought it.

Concrete Staining Solutions for Intricate, Colored Designs

Whether to mark different areas of the floor for different activities, or simply to add to the surface’s beauty, concrete staining allows you to incorporate a range of colors and designs seamlessly. We carry a variety of staining materials and the know-how to apply each of them safely to your floor. Before we begin, we will consider your specific desires for the floor, along with the type of concrete it is made from. We will then apply stains that bring your designs to life- without harming the surface.

Concrete Restoration & Repair Services

If your concrete has become cracked, stained or scratched, our team will restore it to its original quality. Not only do we repair the structure of the concrete, but by filling in cracks, polishing over scratches, and coating and finishing the floor, we leave little trace that it was ever damaged in the first place.

For more information on concrete cleaning, coating, refinishing, and other services,
contact Corporate Maintenance Janitorial today at (734) 676-3665.
Corporate Maintenance Janitorial is the only cleaning service I'll ever use again. I've never seen my property this immaculate. They're affordable, on-time, and easy to work with. What more could you want?* Read More Reviews play_circle_filled
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- John Maccabee
Restore Your Floor With a Like-New Look
We make even the most worn, stained and damaged floors look brand new!